Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tips to create a Strong Password easily

How to create a Strong Password. This lead me to explain the method I follow to set a password - A Strong Password indeed by all standards.

You must follow the following criteria while creating a Strong Password:

* The password must be a minimum of 8+ characters.
* The password must have 1 number , 1 special character, 1 Upper Case character.

A very simple example that I use to explain my friends and colleages is : P@ssw0rd. It fullfills all the cafeteria's. The 'a' is replaced by a special character @. The 'P' is of upper case. The 'o' is replaced by the numeral 0.

Well, you can now convert your regular password into a Strong Password by following a few changes like the example I have mentioned above for the simple password - P@ssw0rd.

* Make the first character Upper Case.
* Change all 'a' in the password to the special character @.
* Change all 's' in the password to the special character $.
* Change all 'l' in the password to the special character !.
* Change all 'o' in the password to the numerical 0.
* Change all 'i' in the password to the numerical 1.


  1. Thank u very much mr. Ashihs
    it really help me to improve my security.

  2. wow gr8 dude its fantastic one


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